You Crossed The Line B!tch!- Die Hard Fans Of D-Black Tear Into Bridget Otoo For Bringing His Daughter’s Name In Their Beef

A few hours ago, media personality Bridget Otoo hit hard at D-Black for merely asking her to be a tad respectful to the sitting president Nana Addo.
Black’s suggestion comes after Bridget fired shots at Nana Addo for including himself in the fight for Ghana’s independence.
All that Black was asking was for Bridget to know Nana is not only a president but equally older than she is.
That did not sit well with Bridget and she tore into D-Black. She bluntly told him it is his lack of inquisition that made Dr. UN fool him with a fake award.
She added that she hope Black do not pass it on to his daughter.

D-Black all matured says he would not pass any comment and was going to wait till Bridget has a child on her own, then and only then would she understand but his fans has asked that he deals with her.