Court admits full WhatsApp chats between Jakpa and AG into evidence

The court has admitted into evidence the full WhatsApp conversation between Richard Jakpa and Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame.
This is after the lawyers of Richard Jakpa objected to the court admitting the entire WhatsApp conversation between their client and Godfred Dame.
The prosecution during cross-examination sought to tender into evidence the full complement of the WhatsApp chat which is said to comprise 68 messages from Richard Jakpa and two responses from Godfred Dame.
But Thaddeus Sory who is representing Richard Jakpa noted that the conversation submitted, however, differs in comparison with what is on the phone of the accused.
Thaddeus Sory argued that, the dates shown on the messages of the two do not tally hence raising issues on the authenticity of the messages addressed.
According to him, admitting the version of the WhatsApp conversations from the Attorney General will create substantial prejudice.
The prosecution, however, asked the court to admit the WhatsApp chats as they were relevant to the case. Director of Public Prosecutions Yvonne Attakora Obuobisa noted that the messages are relevant because the accused admitted not submitting the entirety of the conversation.
The judge however admitted the WhatsApp conversation presented by the prosecution ruling that the exhibit will not result in any prejudice.
Source: citinewsroom