Rev Owusu Bempah remanded into police custody

Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah, Founder and Leader of the Glorious Word Power Ministries, has been remanded in police custody.
Rev. Bempah has been charged with threat of life for threatening to kill Nana Agraada as well as offensive conduct to the breach of peace, made his first appearance before the Accra Circuit Court on Monday, along with five other members of the church.
The other five were also refused bail. Owusu Bempah and his co accused church members were taken to court amidst a heavily armed police escort.
The court appearance of the accused saw a good number of members of the church making their way to the church, ostensibly to witness proceedings. Some however sought to prevent media personnel from covering proceedings.
Owusu Bempah and a number of his church members are alleged to have assaulted policemen who visited the church premises in the course of investigating an alleged threat to kill Nana Agradaa, the fetish priestess who recently converted to Christianity.
Source: Graphic online