Sound economic introspection can convert ringing worries to tinkling chimes

Recurring introspection by the ruling head of a country can transcend adversities and sustain the country’s soul. It helps the country and its economy to move forward.
The litmus test for successful governance leads to positive results when the head of a country, in conducive intervals, continues to introspect broadly on the following lines:
(1) Is my country excessively dependent on imports?
(2) Is my country’s export-import equation evenly balanced?
(3) Is my country sidelining the agricultural sector while elevating urbanization?
(4) Is my country’s preparedness against natural calamities “fiscally” in place? and lastly
(5) Will my country be caught unawares in the wake of a terrorist attack?
Recurring introspection by the ruling head of a country can transcend adversities and sustain the country’s soul. It helps the country and its economy to move forward.
The litmus test for successful governance leads to positive results when the head of a country, in conducive intervals, continues to introspect broadly on the following lines: (1) Is my country excessively dependent on imports? (2) Is my country’s export-import equation evenly balanced? (3) Is my country sidelining the agricultural sector while elevating urbanization? (4) Is my country’s preparedness against natural calamities “fiscally” in place? and lastly (5) Will my country be caught unawares in the wake of a terrorist attack?