Kenya signs 12 agreements with Egypt to strengthen ties

Kenyan President William Ruto and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi have signed 12 agreements aimed at strengthening the relationship between the two countries.
The agreements are designed to enhance trade and cooperation in various sectors.
President Ruto stated, “As a result, our two governments have also signed 12 agreements that expand our cooperation into various sectors. These agreements will strengthen trade, investment, education and research, and technological exchanges, among others, unlocking immense opportunities for our two nations.”

Mr Ruto added, “Kenya and Egypt have signed the Joint Declaration for a Strategic and Comprehensive Partnership”.
The deal also seeks to improve ties between the two countries. “By appending my and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s signatures, we have elevated our relationship and strengthened our ties to boost our engagements in various fields.”