I’m reviewing every single case before me – Special Prosecutor

Kissi Agyebeng, the Special Prosecutor, has served notice that he is going to hit the ground running effective 1 October 2021.
He said he is going to roll out cases on his desk from the month of October after using the last two months to set up his office.
“I’m reviewing every single case before me since August… I’ve reviewed all the cases and from October, we are going to start rolling them out,” Agyebeng told Accra-based Peace FM on Thursday (30 September).
Election rigging
Agyebeng also warned electoral officers that he would prosecute them if they tamper with election results or rig the elections in favor of a particular political party or a candidate.
“If you are an electoral officer or a returning officer and you change results I am going after you… immediately you declare the results I am going after it and matching polling stations and matching pink sheets with pink sheets and if they don’t tally I am going after you,” he earlier said on Starr FM.
He added that probing electoral rigging falls under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Special Prosecutor and does not need to wait for the Supreme Court before he probes any electoral-related rigging.
OSP’s mandate
Act 959, which establishes the Office of the Special Prosecutor, spells out three main objectives of the office.
These are: to investigate and prosecute alleged corruption or suspected corruption and corruption-related offences; to recover the proceeds of corruption and corruption-related offences; and to take steps to prevent corruption.