Court convicts ‘sexy poloo’ over naked photo

Social media sensation and one-song-musician, Rosemond Brown popularly known as Sexy Akuapem Poloo, has been convicted by an Accra Circuit Court for posting her nude pictures together with her son on social media, to celebrate his seventh birthday in June last year.
Akuapem Poloo was convicted based on her own plea of being guilty to three counts of publication of obscene material and two counts of engaging in domestic violence.
After her conviction in court on Wednesday, Akuapem Poloo was asked to be kept in police custody.
The court, presided over by Her Honour Christiana Cann, postponed her sentencing to tomorrow Friday April 16 because she claimed she was pregnant and the court had to verify the claim before taking a decision.
The caption beneath the said naked photo of Akwapem Poloo read: “I am naked in front of you because this is how naked I was giving birth to you, so in case you find me lying somewhere don’t pass by but see me as your mom who brought you to life.”
The said photo went viral and sparked a public uproar and condemnation.
The case, as narrated by the prosecution earlier, is that Bright Appiah, Executive Director of Child Rights International is the complainant.
It was explained that on June 30, 2020, Akuapem Poloo made someone to take nude photos together with his son who was wearing just briefs after which she posted the same photos on her Instagram page, ostensibly to mark the son’s seventh birthday.
Bright Apiah, in reaction to the said photos that went viral said they offended the dignity of the seven-year-old and he petitioned the Director-General Criminal Investigations Department (CID) who also referred the petition to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana Police Service.
This led to the arrest of Akuapem Poloo
Rosemond, the prosecution said, in her caution statement, admitted posting the nude picture with her son but she said it was done unintentionally.
She was granted bail and later prepared for court. Her initial plea was not guilty but she subsequently changed it to guilty.
The prosecution held that Rosemond deliberately posted the pictures.
There is a huge public attention on the case and general suspense on what the exact sentencing would be on Friday, April 16.