Deflated Tsatsu in the dock

They said he was the law itself. Long tales were told that he was an epitome of what a legal luminary is.
During the 2013 elections petition, his gymnastic posturing clouded the judgement of some NDC members so much so that they said he was the best lawyer Ghana had ever seen.
I remember some of their party folks always hailing him for being so knowledgeable on matters of law that he overshadowed some of the Supreme Court Justices.
They called him Tsatsu the Law. They referred to him as Tsikata the walking Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.
Some even said that he singlehandedly drafted the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana. When the Justice Atuguba-led panel ruled the 2013 elections petition in favour of John Mahama and the NDC, our ears were disturbed with how best Tsatsu Tsikata is as a lawyer for winning the case.
Meanwhile, we all watched the proceedings in court during the petition. Fast forward, Tsatsu is in court over Hohoe.
The Law, Tsatsu Tsikata, was at the Supreme Court to teach the Justices what law is all about. He was pitted against Godfred Kwame Dame, the Deputy Attorney General.
The law lecturer/Law itself ended up being taught law by Godfred Dame! The Law fell, lying prostrate on the floor. Ironic, right? Godfred Dame is too hot to handle!
P.K.Sarpong, Whispers from the Corridors of the Thinking Place.