Dad suspects foul play in JHS 3 suicide story

Father of the Miracle Preparatory and Junior High School student who was reported to have committed suicide by hanging, has said he suspects foul play and doubts his daughter killed herself.
“I suspect foul play because my daughter cannot die like that. She doesn’t have any problem for her to just die. I have four daughters at different levels. She wanted to be a doctor, so I don’t understand why they said my daughter was having problems that made her take her life. It’s neither here nor there”, the agonized dad, Williams Kyere, told the media after he met with the Sunyani Municipal Police Command.
Students and authorities of the school say the late student, Leticia Kyere Pinaman, was found hanging by a noose in the school’s dining hall Monday night.
Leticia was said to have left behind a suicide note that read: “I am not happy, this world is full of sorrow and pain, I can’t live anymore and I want die.”
Police investigators have take the said note and comparing it with her handwritings to find out if indeed it is an authentic suicide note authored by the dead girl.
The mother of the deceased has also doubted the claims of suicide. She said when the lifeless body was sent to the hospital, it did not have the characteristic traces of someone who had died by handing.
She said the girl was not having her tongue protruding and she had neither urinated nor defecated on herself and in her view, these were usual traces of a person who died by hanging
The Ghana Police Service is still investigating the incident.
The lifeless body of the student was found dangling on a rope tied to the roofing sticks of the school’s dining hall Monday morning.
The noose of the rope on which she handed was on her neck and her school mates who found her raised an alarm that attracted school authorities.
The Police was called in and after the necessary pre investigation checks, they removed the hanged body.
The incident was suspected to have occurred at around happened at about 6:30 pm on Monday, May 17, 2021, while the students had converged at the school’s church auditorium for Bible studies.
According to the housemistress of the school, Madam Gifty Acheampong, the deceased left a note on a Gifty Acheampong.
Madam Giffty Acheampong, housemistress of the school said after the Bible studies, the students started to move towards the dining hall to take their supper and when they entered, they saw the body of Leticia hanging and started to scream.
“When I rushed to the dining hall, I couldn’t believe what I saw,” she said.
Classmate’s Account
A classmate of the dead girl has revealed that all through the day, she was not her usual happy self and had even refused to take her breakfast.
The classmate said even some of the teachers noticed the changes in Leticia but when they asked her if anything was wrong, she said she was all right and that everything was very okay.
The Sunyani Division Crime Officer, DSP Kingsley Wiredu, has confirmed the incident that truly such a case was reported and his men found he hanged body in the dining hall.
The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Sunyani Municipal Hospital Morgue, pending autopsy.