At least we can do the very simple things to avoid COVID

COVID is real. Ghana is not out of the danger zone yet. A majority of residents are yet to get vaccinated. The few that have been lucky to get the first jab of the vaccine are eagerly awaiting the second jab. Yet there is a general disregard for the COVID protocols; a sad situation The Thunder is heartbroken over.
The Ghanaian media has remained vocal in disseminating information on COVID-19 and the crucial need for all to observe the protocols but the information seem to falling on deaf ears.
The protocols are very simply things like the washing of hands under running water using soap, the wearing of nose masks and observing social distancing.
These are very simply and little things we can all do to protect ourselves but for very strange reasons, a majority of us are not observing them.
The persons not observing the COVID protocols are putting their own lives in danger as well as the lives of all other persons they come into contact with.
The Thunder is of the opinion that once observing the protocols have become a matter of law, persons who flout the laws should be dealt with. The makers of the laws have already stated the punishment that goes with flouting them.
What is the use of a law that is not being respected by a majority of the people and no one gets punished?
The growing nature of the disregard for the COVID protocols is scary. It is even more frightening that the law enforcement agencies seem to have given up in despair.
But the reality is that, how many people can they arrest per day? What is even the capacity of our cells and prisons? Are the cells not already overcrowded and a potential COVID friendly zone? How many more persons can be arrested and dumped there?
The Thunder can only plead with Ghanaians to cooperate with government and do the right things with regards to observing the COVID safety protocols.
These are very simple things that can be very easily complied with if we really and truly decide to