You Are Competent Enough To Be President — Otumfuo To Bawumia

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has spoken highly of the competence of NPP flagbearer Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to be the next President of the country. “By God’s grace, if Ghanaians give you the mandate to lead the country, I have no doubt that you will do well,” the King said.

Consequently, he gave him his blessings as he campaigned ahead of the December 7 elections. His Majesty made the remarks when Dr Bawumia called on him at the Manhyia Palace on June 12, 2024.

Vice President Bawumia who was on a three-day campaign tour of the Ashanti Region, was at the Manhyia Palace to seek the blessings of the Asantehene.

Otumfuo recognised the humility of the Vice President, and urged him to stay the course. “Political power has never changed you. You have remained the humble Bawumia I have always known. My prayers are with you from now till December,” the Asantehene said.

Sell vision
Otumfuo admonished the flagbearer to effectively sell his vision to Ghanaians so that the people buy into it.
He said no government will be able to fulfil all electoral promises. On that score, the King urged the campaign team of the flagbearer to effectively communicate his vision to win the trust of the electorate.

The Asantehene urged the rank and file of the NPP to support their flagbearer to pursue the election with hope.

Dr Bawumia assured Otumfuo that he will live up to his promises if he wins the election. He said the Akufo-Addo government has done a lot but there is still a lot of work to be done.

With the flagbearer at the Manhyia Palace were leading figures including the Energy Minister, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh; Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah; Kennedy Agyapong, a former flagbearer aspirant of the party, and some national leaders of the party.

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