In the last few days, Ejura has been in the news for the wrong reasons. That is because Ejura is making a name for itself as a food security bastion in the sub-region.
A veritable breadbasket, it has been home to Burkina Faso, Togo and Cote d’Ivoire foodstuff buyers who distribute back home during the lean season when the three countries would be nursing their crops for their lean season December to may harvests.
Ejura hasn’t only made a name for Ashanti; it has, too, for the whole nation of Ghana as an emerging agricultural success story in the books of developing agencies and global partners. That is why the shooting and resultant deaths should put us in mourning clothes, instead of political garbs that divide us evermore.
It is sad that a murder case that should have had all the community looking for the culprit lawfully should turn into a ‘we-and-them’ fight in which the real conversation should be lost because instead of focusing on the law, we were looking for political enemies and political benefit.
The Minister for information said it all when he condemned the acts and on behalf of government called for an investigation to get to the bottom of the matter and punish the culprits as well as compensate victims.
That’s in order, though it doesn’t efface the tragedy or return the dead to life. Even more relevant is the fact that we will be seen as living out our tenet of faith in our constitution and human values; dignity of life and culture as a hospitable people rather than twenty first century beasts.
So, let the investigations commence, while we debate the issues dispassionately and objectively – away from the NPP and NDC partisan tradition that is separating us from ourselves instead of uniting us.
Ghana belongs to the people of Ejura; not the politician and the party communicator; the warped journalist and the lawyer mercenaries who make big monies from doing political and electoral cases.
While the investigations begin and the mourning goes on deep into the night, we would continue to urge the traditional rulers to ignore the excesses of the loony politicians and strive to unite Ejura.
A united Ejura is necessary because we need that community to continue pointing to our good works in agriculture and regional integration.